Vae'sha Åhennya
A starry-eyed child no more, she seeks a cure for the illness that plagues the people of her secluded homeland.
Unaccustomed to much outside of her homeland and its people, Vae'sha is both curious and cautious about new people and experiences. She is generally polite toward others and tries her best to communicate as needed, though her dialect is thick and her knowledge of the common tongues rather slim.Bound by duty, Vae'sha has pledged her life to serving and protecting her people. She will do all that is needed to save the innocent and dying. Thus, she roams endlessly, seeking a cure for the plague which threatens to wipe Ne'bohra completely from existence.The two halves of Vae'sha's persona are the naïveté of a youth with many sensations and ventures yet unhad, contrasted with the tired, knowing eyes of one who has experienced tragedy firsthand.
In the great wilderness, the Ne'bohra have, by their own expression, survived millennia by understanding and respecting the land, elements, cosmos, and the dead alike. Stories passed down through the generations speak of angry, horned beasts who looked skyward on a dark night and cried out to the stars. The legend tells that these beasts were forever changed by the great spirits of the sky, causing them to evolve over time into the Ne'bohra as they are today.As a species, the Ne'bohra are dying. Their numbers were greatly impacted in ancient times by competition for the fruitful land upon which their people have continued to live for thousands of years. This perpetual strife led the Elders to form Ash'te, a special protectorate who have the Elders' sole blessing to use magic. This is significant, as the Elders have implied that in the distant past, magic was abused and eventually banned. Ne'bohra magic comes from the developed ability to feel and control the movement of khe, a term to describe raw energy, the essence of life itself. For many generations, the Ash'te were successful in keeping Ne'bohra safe, and thus, their remaining people thrived upon the safety of Ne'bohra's lush bosom. Recently, however, a deadly plague found its way in from origins unknown and has begun to destroy the Ne'bohra people.Vae'sha was chosen by the Ash'te and has trained for most of her life in the art of khe'rah (Ne'bohra magic). Vae'sha is still pretty young, and as such, she still has much to learn about the dance of energy within all things. She also has yet to find her khe'iin, an essence familiar, someone who will form a pact to share their khe in service of Vae'sha's vow to protect Ne'bohra.
Included are the current works of art of Vae'sha.